Category: Magick

Magick, intuition, psychic…all of these things are intertwined so it can be hard to decide what one category it’s all a part of. Your intuition connects you to the psychic world and the magick that is there. Feel the energies and use them.

This section covers general magick discussion as well as the categories of Witchcraft, Image Magick, Colors of Magick, Food magick, Mind Magick, Elemental Magick, Stealth Magick, Enochian Magick and Knot Magick.

“We follow the mystics. They know where they are going. They, too, go astray, but when they go astray they do so in a way that is mystical, dark, and mysterious.” Ryszard Kapuscinski

“Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.” Tom Robbins (American Novelist. b.1936)

“That’s the thing with magic. You’ve got to know it’s still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.” Charles de Lint (Celtic folk musician and story teller, b.1951)

  • Clear as a Dream

    Clear as a Dream

    So yes, basic elements of green magick… They don’t use complex chants or symbolism, math or astrological correspondences beyond knowing the state the moon is in. The vocal component tends to be more like animal sounds, or a child’s babble. Ever hear a shaman during ritual? Native American? Any actually, but to most that’s often…

  • Knots in the World

    Knots in the World

    Knots show up in symbolism much more often than you might think such a simple image would. They even show up in our turns of speech, phrases, like I have a knot in my stomach, or this problem is all snarled up, or traffic is. Knots occur in the world around us and we observe…

  • Order and Flow

    Order and Flow

    Perhaps we should get down to the magickal practice? The purpose of any magick working is not to literally cause change with our actions themselves. They seem to lack this power, and superficially this is true. Why we engage in any working of magick is to focus the mind. We become the things we do…

  • Creating a Knot

    Creating a Knot

    Everyone familiar with transcendental meditation? When a person transcends to a higher plane or dimension whilst in their meditative state? Actually, it’s a school of meditation emphasizing repetition of a mantra. Often one the meditator doesn’t even know the meaning of, or the meaning may be forgotten in ancient history. Now as simple and silly…

  • Essence of Experience

    Essence of Experience

    Today, we are talking about blue magick. It’s a strange and little bit complicated topic, but I will do my best. What would you say is the essence of any experience? The emotions involved? Emotion, excellent. You’ve got right to the heart of things. How wide would you say the range of emotional experience is…

  • Forces Behind Blue Magick

    Forces Behind Blue Magick

    All things are motivated by the person believing it will make them happy? What makes you believe? What people tell you. Imagination of an outcome? I have never believed something just because someone told me, and have imagined outcomes I didn’t feel had a chance of ever happening. Pretty much all our knowledge is stuff someone…

  • Through the Blue

    Through the Blue

    Is there any force more powerful than sleep? Science says we even need it to learn, consolidate memories, even process reality as a general experience, sort our very senses. The world only makes sense to you because you sleep, almost like the planet has some default mode of being. You mean we process in our…

  • Out of the Blue

    Out of the Blue

    The blue retains energies just like the sea does. Cosmic radiation, heat and chemical energy in the case of the sea. Can you guess what energies flow in the blue? Emotion? All emotions, of every being, everything that even acts like emotion, computer operation, information flows of all kinds, every bit of information in your…

  • Deep Pulls in the Blue

    Deep Pulls in the Blue

    Well, maybe this small stuff is a bit boring? Shall I release the kraken? The deep pulls in the blue. We have a deep seated memory of everything we have ever believed, and one of those things is the idea that if we bleed enough, if we suffer enough, whatever is in charge will be satisfied…

  • Gates of Horn and Ivory

    Gates of Horn and Ivory

    There is one god everyone forgets yet they still live, Morpheus. The keeper of the keys to the gates of ivory and horn. You see, as much as we dream in this world, there are still rules, and Morpheus knows those rules. He is a mime. Ever notice your sense of self is not perfectly…

  • Blind to the Ivory Pillar

    Blind to the Ivory Pillar

    So yes, whenever you are having what seems to be a single thought, or a single experience, you are actually having many. Some scientists dismiss this as neural noise, but I am confident they will discover the truth is otherwise. Your brain doesn’t automatically know anything as much as it’s convinced you it has. A whole…

  • Navigating the Blue

    Navigating the Blue

    I am talking about walking through the gate of dreams which really is navigating the entire blue. You swear that there are things you don’t know, everyone does, and I will say something really crazy. That idea is a delusion. Ever notice how often you want to do things that seem just crazy to you?…

  • Reflection of a Belief

    Reflection of a Belief

    I must open (as is often the case) with a question. What governs your behaviour? Emotion. Ideas of myself? If emotion, do we always act out on the immediate impulse? Not if we are mature. If elements of self image, do we never act out of character? We do. Often if under stress. If you…

  • Spirit of State

    Spirit of State

    Perhaps a personal example. As a young person I was frequently asked to be quiet, and I use the word ‘asked’ loosely. So I came to have beliefs about being quiet. It didn’t matter what I thought or imagined about it. There was the experience of the person’s behaviour and words, and the outcomes of…

  • In Vino Veritas

    In Vino Veritas

    Shall I explore some more biology or go back into cognition? Cognition. You are right. The world around you doesn’t dictate what you think. You are in total control. It doesn’t have to dictate what you think, any idea will do. For the purpose of blue magick the exact content doesn’t matter. The world around…

  • You Are a Big Walking Ecosystem

    You Are a Big Walking Ecosystem

    I offer that you are what you can do and not only the narrow set of things that actually emerge. They are finding this to be true even in biology, and it’s even obscuring the model of Darwinian evolution. Bacteria has behaviours that are more complicated then can be demonstrated by any single cells. They…

  • System Healing with State Recall

    System Healing with State Recall

    So why do you think that you think? Why do you think that you are a person? That you exist? I have a body? Sensory input. You are aware of your sensory experience, and you are aware of your state, and you are aware of their integrity. There are mystical schools that place heavy emphasis…

  • Blue Magick Feng Shui

    Blue Magick Feng Shui

    Your body doesn’t know the difference between your brain and any other organ. Your brain is just the loudest organ so the others tend to get inhibited. Noise goes back down the neural line. Sometimes this triggers a useful and adaptive response, but often it doesn’t. The same process can help any other organ in…