Category: Acceptance Action Adoration Aging Anger Anticipation Anxiety Apocalypse Art Ascension Avocation Awareness Belief Betrayal Boredom Brains Burden Celebration Center Change Charity Choice Civility Comfort Communication Compassion Conflict Confusion Connection Consciousness Consistency Control Courage Curiosity Darkness Decision Dependent Origination Depression Desire Destiny Dignity Direction Disaster Discernment Discipline Dissonance Distress Doubt Dreams Education Ego Emotion Entertainment Entitlement Envy Ethics Expectation Face Failure Faith Fear Feeling Flow Focus Forgiveness Fortune Freedom Friendship Frustration Futility Gender Identity Giving Gnosis Gratitude Grounding Habit Happiness Harmony Hate Hope Humility Humour Identity Ignorance Imagination Impulse Indulgence Inertia Inspiration Intention Interest Intimacy Joy Judgement Justice Karma Kindness Knowing Language Loneliness Love Loyalty Madness Manifestation Masks Meaning Meditation Mood Morality Mortification Networking Now Obligation Observation Obsession Originating Spirit Paradigm Paradox Parenting Passion Peace Perfection Personality Perspective Physical Place Play Power Pride Procrastination Productivity Projection Purity Purpose Reciprocation Rectitude Regret Rejection Relating Relaxation Renewal Resentment Resilience Resistance Resolution Respect Rest Reverence Romance Science Self Sex Shadow Shame Sincerity Sloth Social Dynamic Social Order Spirits Stillness Strategy Stress Symbolism Synergy Thought Tolerance Transition Trust Truth Uncategorized Unity Waste Will Wonder Word Work Worry

Spirituality Topics

Spirituality BookSpirituality Book

Our Spiritual Life: If I were to ask you about what confuses me, you would look at me like I was devoid of any sense. When I discuss what is natural for me, the situation reverses. What is the middle ground? If my words are meaningless or obtuse so be it. I’ve made an effort to contribute in the way I thought I could. Experience is first, I just don’t exclude any part.

Acceptance: Any experience you have that does not bring you peace, you failed to accept.

Action: Does non doing suggest belief in a greater order? Perhaps lesser order. A personal way.

Adaptation: Traits of the living being mirror traits of the environment on a point by point basis.

Adoration: Start from your center, and then arrange your channels of expression. Spirit needs flow.

Advice: No one is a fool no matter how blinded. Seek naturally occurring connection to experience genuine truth.

Aging: You acquire traits of aging in the same way you acquire beliefs. You choose how you age.

Alienation: If you are playing a part because it’s expected, how can you truly experience something?

Anger: You can choose how anger will manifest. Choose what you will do. It’s just a world you’re in.

Anticipation: Attention is like a bow. Intention is the arrow, and anticipation is the skill of targeting.

Antipathy: An auto-immune reaction to the collective body of experience that the consciousness has rejected.

Anxiety: Fight yourself and inevitably you lose. Use the way in life. Take joy in the doing.

Apathy: Belief that discourages further attention. Are we served by holding these beliefs?

Apocalypse: Process of revelation. Everything is ending. Everything is beginning. Achieve you.

Art: Art is human nature. People make stuff up. They imagine everything. The artist creates.

Ascension: All life and all mind is evolving. Ascension is a state not only of consciousness but of being.

Avocation: Calling to action. Personality in action with purpose. What you will do from your core.

Awareness: It starts with awareness. The realization of awareness as a force active in your being.

Battle Trance: Own your desires, or you will remain vulnerable to bait and switch and behaviour will be controlled.

Belief: Belief is certain2ty. Belief is not as divided from science as people claim it is.

Betrayal: The basis for betrayal is universal. We live our lives with a set of fragile assumptions.

Body Awareness: The body is a mirror. The body embraces all reality and will show your mind.

Boredom: Being unable to range in our thought makes us unable to range in our experience. It’s hell.

Burden: Shadow cast by your own light. Anything that doesn’t resonate with your internal sense of self.

Celebration: What you celebrate you draw out. You call into life. The secret is to celebrate the process.

Center: A sense or focus of being is center. Peace defines center and is the vital root.

Change: Change has given us everything. Change the focus of the mind. Know that you choose.

Charity: Accepting presence and allowing that presence to behave according to its own nature.

Choice: We make choices every day if only minor ones, but do people really choose?

Civility: We attempt to understand the world on a social level. That we share values in common.

Comfort: Rest and growth. Reclaim our awareness of our cycle, enhancing our capacity to adapt.

Communication: Act of presentation or being present. Our flesh and blood itself. We present ourselves.

Compassion: People are life before they make themselves into people. We need to look differently.

Conflict: Perception can be changed. To create reality we need different spirits. There isn’t destruction.

Confusion: We mirror the threats that keep us in line. Why not mirror those signals that fulfill us?

Connection: Essence of reality. Love and fear. Life and death. We are all connected in these.

Consistency: Life is change, and growth is a law of nature. Nature abhors a void.

Control: All of what you would choose to control is in you. Using everything according to its nature.

Courage: Wisdom of courage is accepting the instability of life. Taking action in limited awareness.

Creativity: Behind everything you seek to create, there is a process, a way of implementation and agency.

Curiosity: Drive to engage necessary for survival. There is no “thing” that is unworthy of curiosity.

Darkness: Fear is in the eye of the beholder. God is speaking, even in the dark night.

Decision: You make decisions based on what you want and what you perceive it to mean.

Depression: Clarity of awareness. We grow from the lowest of our emotional points with choice.

Dependent Origination: We may be defeating our cherished dreams if we believe causes are origination.

Desire: Experiences we call “being alive” are forms of motivation. We are being built of desire.

Destiny: You are your destiny. It is not a path that is dictated to you. You have free will also. Act.

Dignity: Live like your dignity matters most and you encourage other people to lock down.

Direction: Observe the process of cause and effect in life. We arise from a process. There is a way.

Disaster: Disturb life to jump forward in its evolution. We are meant to learn and band together.

Discernment: Why can thinking lose touch with reality? They believe thinking over sensation.

Discipline: We can have a humane discipline, a genuinely human discipline. Nature itself is seamless.

Dissonance: When you see how life fails, you see its success more clearly. There is potential.

Distress: Is the spirit that comes to relieve you of your broken shell evil, or an angel of mercy?

Doubt: Doubt and fear are addictive in nature with respect to ego. We all doubt. It triggers fear.

Dualism: You cannot perceive anything outside of thought. All thought is connective, as are all sensations.

Education: Drawing out of yourself and others experiences and actions that lead to progress and growth.

Ego: Who am I? No one, as in no one self. Life can be rich with substance and meaning. Effortless.

Emotion: Emotion is self. Energy is self, and your emotion is your energy. Reclaim it. Change it.

Enlightenment: Not a set of achievements to be reached for. The effort would keep it from manifesting.

Entertainment: A state of being. You become well practiced in what consistently entertains you.

Entitlement: You are deserving of all that humanity has to offer for being exactly what you are. Worthy.

Envy: This world is what we make it, and we make it cruel out of envy. Envy is just a vicious lie.

Ethics: Live what has been called the “examined” life. Examine attitudes for usefulness and impact.

Expectation: You can make informed choices and you can make them through open awareness.

Face: You have many faces. This is not a bad thing but your faces might be masking your spirit.

Failure: One of the biggest demons anyone faces is failure. Want to be great? Be willing to fail.

Faith: Knowing there is a reason why. Faith gives strength. I need avoid nothing.

Fear: Ability to recognize danger. Fear is not evil. One who fears nothing, loves nothing.

Feeling: Feeling is the most primal language. We decide to do anything because we “feel” like it.

Flow: Engagement is necessary. Flow is not a singular experience, and it has many elements. It links us.

Focus: Reality is focus. You persist in what you do for focus. You falter for lack of focus.

Forgiveness: Tolerance for error. Allowing yourself to start over at emotional ground zero.

Fortune: Balance of life itself. Fortune like the seed grows when it is shared. Choose your involvement.

Freedom: Perceived lack of freedom is self denial. Freedom is awareness. To dare is freedom.

Friendship: Be a friend to yourself and you will be a friend to everyone else. It’s unavoidable.

Frustration: We can know peace when we understand frustration for what it is.

Futility: Nothing is futile if you have the experience of self. There can be no limit to inspiration.

Gender Identity: We walk on this earth. We can learn from it and what it can tell us about our bodies.

Giving: You are born as the world needed you to be, and we can give this to our world. But do we?

Gnosis: Knowledge of self is knowledge of the divine. As within, so without. Life has purpose.

Gratitude: Do you just say ‘thank you’, or are you grateful? Live a life of gratitude, feel faith and love.

Greed/Generosity: Two sides of the same coin. You cannot embrace a virtue without creating a vice.

Grounding: We can get scattered pursuing a spiritual life, get caught up in our thinking.

Habit: A vestigial relic of a consciousness that is being exploited to control us, make us feel guilty.

Happiness: Happiness is what Chinese mystics call the first chi. It’s an internal force.

Harmony: There is a network of harmonized forces running through reality, and a shadow network.

Hate: Hate is very much an investment. People little understand hate so it rules them.

Hope: Hope is instinct. An inner drive. It guides and manifests with power. What do you hope?

Humility: The idea that we should rid ourselves of self, has that helped anyone? At essence, we feel.

Humour: We can play the game of life, but find simple truths. Humour like beauty is truth. Laugh.

Identity: Identify with your real feeling. Love. You are infinite. You are what you choose to see.

Ignorance: Exclusion of data. In knowing your ignorance you can have a deeply meaningful ally.

Imagination: Believing is seeing. Embrace inner nature and stretch those “imaginary” limbs.

Impulse: Impulses are life affirmative. Conflicts we set up turn them into self destructive behaviours.

Indulgence: You cannot give what you do not have. Learn a profound lesson about choice. Live.

Inertia: We have the initial inertia we are born with, and the force of impulse acting on us.

Innocence: We will grow in wisdom, and maybe even knowledge if we are curious about the world around us.

Inspiration: We all have a genius. Our lives know peace and strength to the degree that we fulfill this genius.

Intention: Your ultimate intention is to live as the individual that you are. Look within and look around.

Interest: Painting our brains. Use imagination and find interests. Choose your own medium.

Intimacy: A vital force in life. A connection with the other, with the world itself. Intimacy says “us”.

Joy: Recognition of love. Joy isn’t something you can have. It’s something that you live. The path of heart.

Judgement: Our judgements shape our world. Judged by others, we judge ourselves.

Justice: When you see the bigger picture, the greater justice, every encounter brings joy.

Karma: There are two components; what happens and how you react. You are in control.

Kindness: Openness and sensitivity to the world. Effortless when it stems from your own soul.

Knowing: Reality is already shifting, and 2012 will just be a benchmark. No mystery.

Liminality: We are at our heart liminal beings. We have a dynamic element, and a static element.

Limitless: What it really means to be limitless is to understand that stuff happens and that you are a part.

Loneliness: Be who you are and let that endure. You are alive, you are loving, and you do care. Be yourself.

Love: Allowing someone to be exactly who and what they are. A form of freedom that allows potentials.

Loyalty: A force like gravity. You respond to what you give your loyalty. Loyalty will go somewhere.

Madness: We are mad when we view life as static. That we ‘control’ life and the world.

Manifestation: You attract what you are. Look deeply, see yourself, you will become it.

Masks: In every situation you adapt or adopt a persona which is just another word for mask.

Meaning: You can rationalize everything into meaninglessness. Yet meaning is our reality.

Meditation: A rather foundational practice for getting to know the mind, the whole mind.

Mood: A quality of your personal energy. There is no clear line between healthy and unhealthy mood.

Morality: Figuring out what is worthy of your attention. What has your attention has your belief.

Mortification: Putting the flesh to death. A worldwide practice to disidentify. To what purpose?

Mystery: Thinking has hidden something, mystery reveals it. We are taught to fear states of mind.

Narcissism: Attachment to ones own self image which has little or nothing to do with their factual state of mind.

Networking: Based on ideas we form and we refuse to allow them to change. Let constructs evolve.

Nonsense: For every person you question, there is an opportunity to recognize your own sense.

Now: You are now, and the external nows are not now. They are all late. Be here fully. Let wellness be.

Obligation: Have obligations and beliefs, have them knowingly, and let them give you joy.

Observation: Everything has as part of its existence, its substance and its opposite.

Obsession: Keeps you stuck in the problem stage of engagement. The trap can be opened.

Originating Spirit: When you are in harmony with it, it ceases to seem so small and quiet.

Paradigm: Experiences arise from patterns in our environment. Memes. Minds seek balance.

Paradox: There is truth in paradox and it is what transcends us above duality.

Parenting: Each child is a unique soul. Their body is a legacy, their soul is innate. Listen to the child.

Passion: The truest strongest desires stem from our inner nature. Our duty is love.

Peace: Find yourself. The secret is being the person you are. It is not lost. You can’t “do you better”.

Perception: You can deliberately inhabit your perceptual channels. You can sense and change your posture.

Perfection: The yin aspect of reality is a valid counterpart to the yang. Just one big dance.

Perspective: What you perceive is determined by focus. Shift shared focus to see anothers reality.

Physical: Spirituality is not bereft of the physical. To set them apart is to err.

Place: Feel where you are, now. Move with this sense of place and honor the spirit of it.

Play: How can you take life seriously? You aren’t getting out alive, I promise. Are we having fun yet?

Power: There is a way of power, and we are convinced we can’t have it. Spirit is truth is power.

Pride: Pride is not a vice. Pride is not imbalanced. Pride finds no fault. Have pride.

Procrastination: People think of actions/goals as part of their being. They change the balance of energy.

Productivity: Be fertile. Be reproductive. Be productive. Be alive. How is that for a to-do list?

Projection: The key is knowing I project everything. We should open up our filters more.

Purity: True purity is personal integrity. Absolute purity is simply an empty death wish.

Purpose: You are purpose. We are present to be aware of each other and our living kin.

Reciprocation: If we were ‘doing with’, rather than ‘doing to’ or being ‘done to’, how would that be?

Rectitude: Rightness. How do we gauge the rightness of any situation, personal or impersonal?

Regret: False identification. Incorrectly interpreting outcomes as a reflection of self.

Rejection: Handling rejection is simply managing the social body. Respect your part in it.

Relating: Everyone tells a story. Powerful because there is an analogue for something in the world.

Relaxation: Primal wisdom. The tendency of our bodies and minds to return to their natural state.

Renewal: People are terrified of it. We can endure if we see that the storm is just a process.

Resentment: Who does not feel wronged these days? How many people genuinely like their life? Why is this?

Resilience: We don’t all bounce back very well. It’s best not to try as there is no one right way.

Resistance: Resistance is statis and what you resist you anchor yourself. You are what you are.

Resolution: Take up a new center. A good resolution is to imagine well. I recommend the Beatles.

Respect: Seeing the common ground. Response ability is necessary for healthy respect.

Rest: Find the Tao, the natural way of yourself. Your personal way that you didn’t create.

Revelation: You see what things are and connections, things as they might be of their own nature.

Reverence: Practice of faith. Sense of respect. Believe reverence is possible and you will act like it is.

Risk: Possibility of pain of one flavour or another. Approached with respect they behave as allies.

Romance: Being involved with a person, place, or thing so much that you are immersed in it.

Self: Visibly reflected in the world. We are self aware. Self is life. It’s why we are concerned with life.

Sex: Primal human instinct. Cycle of creation destruction. Open your heart.

Shadow: You are your own worst enemy and wherever you go there you are. In light and in shadow.

Shame: Motivated by fear. A weak attempt to grasp and hold souls. Be not ashamed.

Sincerity: True sincerity is living contiguously with your authentic self. It is the key to true strength.

Sloth: When ego leads us to moments of sloth, who are we to judge? Engage and indulge in sloth.

Social Dynamic: Don’t try to be everything. Just be you. You’re already a part of everything.

Social Order: Social order for its own sake, and the virtue of rule of law are failing. Where will we go?

Soul: Get well. Return to wholeness. You are life and as much as many deny it you want to live.

Stillness: Eye of calm in the center of the storm, without which the storm can’t achieve the power it has.

Strategy: Realizing the elements of story, the reality of story and “Writing what you know.”

Stress: We aren’t self made. You must act and accept being acted upon. Know what you want.

Symbolism: Framework for life experience. Symbols affect our thinking and are readily available.

Synergy: Two or more things operating as a greater whole. A realization to be mindful of.

Thought: There is your thinking, and there is the consciousness that came before that.

Tolerance: We are all equally present in this reality. Everyone has a place. Accepting this is tolerance.

Transition: Your life is stable to the degree that you have moments of “crisis” and actually use them.

Trust: Know and trust. You can choose. Trust your footing, because you are here.

Truth: Nothing is self-evident. No truth can stand alone as evidence of principle, purpose or virtue.

Unity: Bonding and harmlessness. Two topics in one. Ultimately, love. All names name unity.

Virtue: Virtue is a necessity. To be virtuous is to be vital. True virtue is virtue shared.

Waste: Allows us to build intention, and informs us of when we are not on intention.

Will: To Will and To Dare. Know and take a stance characterized by an internal locus of control.

Wonder: Default state of mind. Beginners mind. There is no living knowledge without wonder.

Word: Communications has depth that most never experience. Infinite voices but one voice.

Work: Where does work start? Why does work seem to fail? Why does it go wrong or not happen?

Worry: Don’t worry about being, just be. Worry is worthless. It’s damaging. It warps our presence.

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